Mr. Trump: We Need Mexico. Tequila!

The year was 2000, and bartenders were desperate. The announcements heralded a serious crisis in Mexico: the world supply of tequila was about to disappear. OMG. There was a temporary shortage of blue agave, the pineapple-type plant that gives birth to tequila and many small distilleries closed their doors. The perception of an eminent disaster […]

Kosher Wines: Competitive Advantage

Gone are the days when kosher wine tasted like melted popsicles. Fortunately for oenophiles kosher wines options have expanded beyond sweet Concord grapes of Manischevitz fame. The 1980s heralded the revival of the Israeli wine industry and today kosher wine has moved into a premium category. Kosher wines are produced throughout the world (including Israel, […]

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