Looking forward to a cocktail party celebration is not unusual; however, looking forward to a 50th anniversary celebration event at a plumbing supply shop does not appear, on its face, to be the best way to spend an evening. And yet, when I was invited to join the festivities at Kohler, noted for its […]
Luxurious South Africa
Wealthy South Africans know how to enjoy their wealth. According to the Credit Suisse’s Global Wealth Report 2017, there are 58,000 South Africans, or 0.2 percent of the population, that qualify as millionaires with 84,000 belonging to the top 1 percent of global wealth holders. Financial services firm Allianz, using data from national accounts, estimates […]
…And the Nobel Prize Goes to NYU Professor, Dr. Paul Romer
NYU Stern School of Business alums, faculty and students were able to get up close and personal with Paul Romer, a recent recipient of the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics Sciences, an honor he shares with William Nordhaus (Yale University). The program included Andrew Hamilton, NYU President; William Berkley, Chair, NYU Board of Trustees; Rahu […]
Notice ME. New York @ Garment District
Once the heartbeat of garment industry, the District (also known as the Garment Center, Fashion District, Fashion Center) is roughly located between West 34th Street and 40th Street, from Ninth Avenue to Broadway and measures less than 1 sq. mile. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the area was noted as the center […]
Going to Africa? Include Zambia
Tourism is becoming an important economic engine for Zambia, creating employment, stimulating infrastructure and increasing foreign earnings. On Your Radar? Of the 53.3 million international tourists visiting Africa in 2014 only 1.7 percent visited Zambia. The purpose of the visit was primarily business (54 percent) with only 25 percent booking for a holiday. While most […]
Botswana: A go-to destination for safari
Know Before You Go When considering a safari holiday in Botswana, one of the first questions asked, “Is It Safe?” Travel.state.gov advises visitors to exercise “normal” precautions while traveling in Botswana. What this means is that the country has crime, just as other countries; however, travelers frequently lose sight of their surroundings and become targets. […]
From Cape Town to Stellenbosch in under 1 hour
Cape Town is South Africa’s second largest city, with 4 million people and 10+ million tourists (2017). As an international hub, it attracts visitors from Russia, France, and Germany as well as the UK, New Zealand, Nigeria, and China. Located between the ocean and the mountains, with a national part in the center, this “Mother […]