Entrepreneurs Meet on Manhattan’s East Side

Pamela Garber, Licensed Psychotherapist

It was a cold December evening when a small group of entrepreneurial women headed to the David Burke Tavern on Manhattan’s East Side to meet with people they did not know. What did these strangers have in common? They were either followers of the NextDoor.com newsletter or had friends that read the newsletter and were interested in networking with entrepreneurs in the neighborhood.

The idea to actually meet face-to-face with neighbors, was the idea of Pamela Garber, LMHC, a licensed Psychotherapist with Grand Central Counseling Group, Inc. It was Garber’s ingenuity that sparked the concept that neighbors and their friends would actually be interested in what businesses and expertise was available in the “hood.”

At the most recent meet-up, Diane Pollack, Wardrobe Consultant/Stylist and Cathy Beluch, Leadership & Career Coach presented information on their enterprises. 

Pollack reviewed the challenges that her clients face when they are dissatisfied with their wardrobe. The discontent may be initiated by a new job, a promotion, the ending of a personal relationship or the beginning of a new chapter in their life. Whatever the motivation, Pollack offers her many years in the fashion and corporate environment to develop a clothing mix that will enable them to look good (to themselves), as well as receive appreciation (if not applause) from friends, families and office colleagues.

From an analysis of lifestyle and interests to career and personal goals, Pollack’s services include a thorough closet inventory, as well as guided shopping opportunities. Pollack takes the time to tailor her recommendations and suggestions to each client’s needs and wants and not on what is trending (www.stylempower.com).

Cathy Beluch started her professional career as a CPA. Although she enjoyed career success, achieving important c-suite positions in major corporations, Beluch wanted something more. She transitioned from being a CPA wrapped in the world of finance, to becoming a Leadership and Career Coach where her focus is on individual executives, helping them to reach their career objectives. Thanks to her complete and thorough understanding of the demands of corporate America, Beluch is able to work with managers and executives who are trying to find a path through the maze of corporate life. For additional information: www.cathybeluchconsulting.com.

The entrepreneurial group included Pascale Gousseland, PhD. Psychotherapist /Psychoanalyst (www.pascalegousseland.com), Gail Saraf, Kind & Caring Pet Services ([email protected]), Julie Mello, Life Coach (www.yourdreamslifecoach.com) and Dr. Elinor Garely, Editor-in-Chief, wines.travel (www.wines.travel). 

The event was held at the David BurkeTavern (davidburketavern.com).

For additional information: [email protected]


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