The General Manager of Your Hotel is a Narcissist. The Dark Triad

The Dark Triad Personality Traits (DTP) includes Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism demonstrated by three behaviors.


  1. Dark Triad Personality (DTP)
  2. Differences and Similarities
  3. Hotels Attract Narcissists
  4. What to Look For
  5. Hotel Atmosphere
  6. They Are Among Us. Proceed with Caution
  7. Observe
  8. What To Do?

You really like your colleagues; your guests are terrific and tip generously; the hotel is beautiful and while you would like a larger paycheck, the real reason you are unhappy and want to quit is that your General Manager is a narcissist with a Dark Triad Personality (DTP) and has created a toxic work environment.

Dark Triad Personality (DTP)

Melissa Hogan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Look closely at the following: The Dark Triad Personality Traits (DTP) includes Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism and they are three behaviors that are short-term, ego centric, and exploitive social strategies that correlate positively with the use of dishonest and manipulative behaviors. 

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