The Dark Triad Personality Traits (DTP) includes Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism demonstrated by three behaviors.
- Dark Triad Personality (DTP)
- Differences and Similarities
- Hotels Attract Narcissists
- What to Look For
- Hotel Atmosphere
- They Are Among Us. Proceed with Caution
- Observe
- What To Do?
You really like your colleagues; your guests are terrific and tip generously; the hotel is beautiful and while you would like a larger paycheck, the real reason you are unhappy and want to quit is that your General Manager is a narcissist with a Dark Triad Personality (DTP) and has created a toxic work environment.
Dark Triad Personality (DTP)
Melissa Hogan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Look closely at the following: The Dark Triad Personality Traits (DTP) includes Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism and they are three behaviors that are short-term, ego centric, and exploitive social strategies that correlate positively with the use of dishonest and manipulative behaviors.