From the River to the Sea: A Primer on Israeli Geography

In recent discussions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the phrase “from the river to the sea” has become increasingly prevalent. However, many individuals, including protesters, television news readers, podcasters, and pundits, lack a clear understanding of the geographical references it entails. This ignorance underscores the need for informed dialogue and education on the region’s key landmarks, such as […]

Unfiltered Opinions: Navigating New York’s Tourist Traps

Unfiltered Opinions: Navigating New York’s Tourist Traps However, as opinions vary, so do experiences. The following explores unfiltered perspectives on some of the city’s renowned attractions. Statue of Liberty Downsides of the Desirable While Lady Liberty stands tall on her island, visitors express mixed feelings about the journey to her feet. Complaining of lengthy queues, security checks, […]

What About the Child? Risks, Hazards, and Perils of Adult Tourism

What are the risks to the child involved in sex tourism? “Few forms of exploitation are as degrading as child prostitution and pornography” (Child Sexual Exploitation in Developing Countries, 1992). Children become addicted to drugs and alcohol; HIV infections, despair, depression, and suicide (Serrill, 1993, p. 52). “Torture, rape, and sexual abuse – widespread in […]

Marketing Abuse of Children for Sex Tourism

Astute marketing executives ask the time-honored question, “Why do people travel?” MarketingPeople travel because “they no longer feel happy where they are, where they work, where they live. They feel the monotony of the daily routine, the cold rationality of factories, offices, apartment blocks, and transport, shrinking human contact…the loss of nature and naturalness” (Nicholson-Lord, […]

Sexual Abuse of Children in Tourism Creates Benefits?

There are definite and tangible financial benefits from sexual abuse of children in tourism. Annual revenues for child trafficking and forced labor total $39 billion globally (2018). To place that number in perspective, the trafficking of children generates more revenue than the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB combined ( Most large hotels in the Dominican Republic don’t […]

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