It was not until I was meandering down the Javits aisle at the recent In-Cosmetics event that I even thought about Halal cosmetics. Halal food markets are widely available in New York, so the halal concept was not new; however, the idea of halal applied to cosmetics was totally different. Halal For Muslims, the term “halal” […]
Do Not Travel! Without your makeup
Many women will not appear in public with a nude face and there are a growing number of men who are treating their public face to astringents, creams, masks, colors, tubes and pencils. In a May 2017 survey of American consumers, 41 percent or respondents between 30-59 years of age, wear makeup daily, with 25 percent wearing […]
Wines from the Chateau de la Dauphine: Easy to say, delicious to drink
Wines from the Chateau de la Dauphine: Easy to say, delicious to drink Smart and a Wine Connoisseur Searching for an excellent French wine from Bordeaux but the French language is not part of your skill-set? The good news is that you can order an excellent wine from Bordeaux (Left Bank) and be considered a […]