Before digging the co-op money pit

If you decided that a co-op apartment is worth the effort, review (with your accountant and attorney) the following documents, and remember: Look Before Leaping Off the Cliff 1.            Capital plan for the building 2.            Capital improvements (past history and future plans including cost estimates and time frame) 3.            Mortgage for the building (what are […]

The difference between Blue and Yellow (Fin Tuna)

From Humdrum to Gourmet: There was a time when eating tuna fish was not considered a gourmet experience. Canned tuna was a standard luncheon selection for school children and weekend casseroles. Demand for tuna was small: In 1950, the worldwide catch totaled 660,000 tons (approximately); today the desire has increased geometrically, and the world catch recently […]

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