The year was 2020, and I, among others, spent US$326.6 billion on wine. Thanks to the pandemic, we wine drinkers are finding solace by drinking more wine, pushing revenue to a projected US $434.6 billion by 2027, representing an increase of 4.3 percent between 2020-2027. Dessert wines (i.e., Sauternes/France; Tokaji Aszú/Hungary; Muscat/Italy) are a growing category […]
Hotels and Airlines Claim Deep Cleaning: What Does It Mean?
Generation Clean We have gone through Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennials; now the marketing focus is on deep cleaning with Generation Clean. People are intensely concerned with their health and safety since the COVID-19 attack. This focus is and will continue to impact and ultimately change the hospitality, travel and tourism industry. The apparent inability to […]
Champagne: Describes a Lifestyle
It may be politically incorrect, but judgements are made by wines selected, shoes worn, and hotels selected. And So It is With Wine Kylie Jenner is likely to be found sipping a glass of Pinot Grigio, for the Justin Timberlake – Jessica Biel wedding cuvee, Jesse Katz blended Alexander Valley Zinfandel, Petite Sirah and Cabernet […]
Retail: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
Eating, drinking and trending: Snack Attack
If research from the Specialty Food Association and Mintel is correct, the market for a snack or more is growing (along with our waistlines). Snack Attack If research from the Specialty Food Association and Mintel is correct, the market for snacks is growing (along with our waistlines?). Sales reached $127 billion reflecting a 15 percent […]