Tasting wines, blind

Tasting Blind Wine industry professionals (i.e., winemakers, writers, sommeliers, researchers, educators, buyers, sellers, importers, sales managers) have many ways to spend their days: Harvesting grapes, meeting with customers, researching trends, wine tastings, and, one of my favorites, joining a group for a blind wine event. A few days ago, I spent a grey New York […]

NY drinks NY wines: History and hybrids

New York Wines: Disaster in the Beginning Historians have documented the fact that grapes were first introduced to New York by the Dutch (1647-1664); sadly, the crops failed. A few years later, the French Huguenot settlers in Ulster County tried to plant European varietals (1667) and they too were unsuccessful. William Robert Prince (1795—1869) Finally, […]

It is wine time: Meet the new competition

The Association for the Promotion of Wines and Spirits in North America (APVSA), headquartered in Montreal, Canada, provides assistance to European wine and spirits producers who want to export their products – especially to North America. To reach this objective, the association schedules 6 tours per year primarily in the USA, Canadian and European markets. […]

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