It is almost 4 years since The Donald left Manhattan and took up residency in Washington, DC. As a New Yorker and real estate developer, he had no influence on my life. I have to admit that I did use his real estate escapades as examples of tycoon-level international business transactions, but- aside from entertaining my college […]
Danger ahead for New York pedestrians
In 2017 there were more than 450,000 daily bike trips in New York City, up from 170,000 in 2005. While the increased number of cyclists on the streets of Manhattan provide good PR for the Mayor, the increased bike culture angers pedestrians, citing cyclists who speed, run red lights, shout four letter words, text while […]
NYC Winter Show: A treasure trove for hotel interior designers
If you love beautiful things like jewelry, sculpture, lamps, art and antiques, there is no better place to get your “fix” of fabulous furnishings and jewels than at the annual Winter Show at New York’s Park Avenue Armory – now celebrating its 65th anniversary. The event is directed by Helen Allen. The program is supported […]