Is Medical Tourism Safe?

At first blush, Medical tourism seems like a good idea. Travel to Thailand, UAE, or Germany – and while exploring the culture, food, wines and shops, make a stop at a local hospital for a tummy tuck, a kidney transplant or a hip replacement. What is Medical Tourism? Medical tourism (also known as health tourism, medical […]

Delicious Wines in Australia

Looking for an easy and delicious way to explore Australia?  May I suggest getting a wine glass, reading my notes, and discovering the wonders of Australia by sipping a few of its wines. Wines by Design Australia is the smallest continent, but the sixth-largest country, slightly smaller than the continental USA. It features snowcapped mountains, arid […]

Truth on trial

The New York Chapter of The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) recently considered TRUTH and put it on trial. The panel included media, marketing and education professionals who expressed their thoughts and experiences in relation to their practice and experience in the public relations industry. Although there was a general consensus that presenting the truth was […]

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