I Want a Baby: Travel with a Purpose!

Whether the travel plan folder is labeled Fertility Tourism, Reproductive Travel, or Cross Border Reproductive Care, women and couples are leaving their home zip codes with “make a baby” at the top of their to-do list. Making a Baby It is estimated that 186 million couples in these countries (excluding China) have spent at least […]

Tourism Impasse: Cannot Stop or Go

The hotel, travel and tourism industry contributed to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, most notably cruise lines and airlines; however large their role, these enterprises cannot be held accountable for its origin or for the irresponsible approach of governments and global health agencies to the identification, mitigation, control, and elimination of the virus. First Hide, […]

Will meetings return? Can hotels really open safely?… Or should we stay home?

Tourism Encounters a New Paradigm Up to, and including the beginning of 2020, many professionals in the hotel, travel, and tourism industry would have agreed that “bigger is better.” Demand created a need to build larger cruise ships, more and differentiated hotels, additional stadiums and convention centers, faster and bigger aircraft. There appeared to be […]

NY drinks NY wines: History and hybrids

New York Wines: Disaster in the Beginning Historians have documented the fact that grapes were first introduced to New York by the Dutch (1647-1664); sadly, the crops failed. A few years later, the French Huguenot settlers in Ulster County tried to plant European varietals (1667) and they too were unsuccessful. William Robert Prince (1795—1869) Finally, […]

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