Although it is hard for me to believe, each and every year approximately 30 million people spend time and a great deal of money ($150 billion yearly) on cruise ships, although it creates the perfect environment for the spread of infectious diseases. Empowerment Cruise ships bring large numbers of people together in crowded, relatively small […]
WHO Has the Right Person for the Job
WHO Impacts My Life I developed a tiny cough over the weekend (although I have not wandered beyond the confines of my apartment elevator and laundry room). To be perfectly honest, there are occasions when I have had my windows open, and rather than have a butterfly land on my windowsill, or have a leaf […]
Donald Trump: How do I make him go away?
It is almost 4 years since The Donald left Manhattan and took up residency in Washington, DC. As a New Yorker and real estate developer, he had no influence on my life. I have to admit that I did use his real estate escapades as examples of tycoon-level international business transactions, but- aside from entertaining my college […]
Should all Makeup be Halal Cosmetics?
It was not until I was meandering down the Javits aisle at the recent In-Cosmetics event that I even thought about Halal cosmetics. Halal food markets are widely available in New York, so the halal concept was not new; however, the idea of halal applied to cosmetics was totally different. Halal For Muslims, the term “halal” […]
Death by Vacation: Think you’re safe?
No one plans to die on a vacation! We have learned to take precautions that will keep sickness and death at bay. We know to pack handwipes for cruising and OTC meds while traveling in Europe, Asia and Africa. We have been alerted to avoid contaminated water and reused water bottles, date rape drugs, and sharing […]
Africa safari: A trip or a trek
Priority List Traveling to Africa requires a commitment. There is no quick way to reach the continent, and there is no quick way to transit from one city to the other or from one country to the other. Advance planning is a necessity, and this includes time management and a confirmed detailed itinerary. Africa is […]